Friday, November 14, 2008

Our New Pet

Clayton really loves snakes he has since he was a little boy. I have heard many snake stories from him and his mother. Mainly about ones he has caught and brought home for pets and then trying to give them baths and them escaping in the house. Yuck I really hope this doesnt happen to me. i dont want to be cleaning one day and pick up some dirty clothes and hello theres a snake. Anyway he wanted to get a pet snake for the kids or so he says I really think it was for him and if the kids like it then that would just be an extra bonus. So he decided to buy a milk snake it is a really pretty snake as long as it is in its cage I am not a big fan of it when he gets it out to hold it.

Here is the nameless snake we can not decide on a name for it. Emma keeps coming up with made up words for it but i cant remember any because they were pretty bizarre. today on the way home from pre-school she asked if we could name the snake natalie which is the name she really wanted to name lilly.
Scotty was really excited about getting the snake he wants to hold it all the time. Emma was a little slow at warming up to the snake but now she loves to hold it too and she asks all the time if it is a girl or a boy.

Halloween Night

Halloween night was pretty fun. That whole day scotty kept asking if we were going to go to the halloween party and I would try to explain trick-or-treating to him but he just kept thinking it was another party. Once it got dark out we took the kids around the block and after each house scotty would ask me "More Candy? " All the kids really loved getting so much candy.
She looks a little afraid of the camera.

He is such a scary batman and showing his muscles again

Lilly just did not like wearing her costume. almost all of the pictures we took of her she is trying to take it off. she did ok once she was getting candy to snack on.

Our one picture she is not trying to get undressed

It was hard to get all three kids together. so we just worked with what we had.

The day after the party

Me and Kim lookin too cute. Whose hand is that between our heads? looks a little weird to me.
The Stuart Club. All the sisters and sister-in-laws minus Katie and I think soon to be Ashley.

Grandma Kerry brought 3 laundry baskets of apples and pears from her orchard and Lilly just could not get enough of them she would go and get an apple take a couple of bites out of it and then decide that she wanted a different one. She did this the whole weekend and there were so many apples with little bites out of them that when you went to pick one up chances were it would have already been nibbled.

Pinata Fun

About the title I do know how to spell pinata I just didnt know how to put the little cury thing on top of the n. so just pretend it is on there. All the kids really enjoyed the pinata and there were no injuries that I can recall. after the pinata the kids got to decorate pumpkins with foam stickers and eat lots of candy and then eventually went to bed.

I think Dan was really hoping for a turn he stole the stick away from that little girl:)

I'm afraid this pirate has had a little too much to drink. take it easy its not even dark yet.

Our Halloween Party

So I thought I should go ahead and post some pics of Halloween before Christmas is already here. I tried to get Clayton to posts them but I guess he is too busy for this geeky blog stuff. He only goes to school full time and works two part-time jobs (he just got another one it has to do with bugs) and is also a full time dad, but come on that shouldn't keep him that busy.
here is the fam with Carl in the background. Thanks Carl. I am pretty sure batman is flexing and lilly did not like being in her costume.
here is another picture of me and the kids. oh no wait that is Kim dressed like me:)

here are some more party goers Cory and Rachel for those who dont know them. they always come up with some pretty creative costume ideas

and of course Carl, Tiffany (and baby Jonas) as anakin skywalker and queen something. sorry I have no idea how to spell the names.

Pretty princess Emma with lots of glitter and makeup all over her face. she learns that from her momma I just can never get enough glitter on my face.

It looks like batman has been eating some goodies and is about ready to pass out from all the partying. I actually think this is before the guests even arrived.